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湖南师范大学医学院医学检验专业建于1954年, 是本校创建最早的专业之一,2002年开始招收五年制本科生,2008年被湖南省教育厅确定为省级特色专业,2013年改名为医学检验技术专业,学制改为四年,目前每年招生60余人。本专业毕业生对口就业率保持98%以上。





Faculty of Laboratory Medicine of Hunan Normal University School of Medicine

Faculty of Laboratory Medicine in Hunan Normal University School of Medicine was established in 1954, which is one of the earliest majors in Hunan Normal University. In 2002, it began to enroll five-year undergraduates. In 2008, it was designated as a provincial characteristic major by the Education Department of Hunan Province. In 2013, it was renamed as Major of Medical Laboratory Technology with a four-year academic system. Currently, it enrolls more than 60 students every year. The corresponding employment rate of graduates in this major remains above 98%.

This major is an important training base for high-level laboratory medicine talents in Hunan Province. It is one of the first undergraduate specialty in Hunan Province. It aims to cultivate interdisciplinary medical laboratory technology professionals with wide caliber, solid foundation, strong ability, high quality and innovative consciousness. The length of schooling of this major is four years. It recruit students of science. The total credits are 166 with 44 weeks of professional practice and graduation thesis. Major courses include Human Anatomy, Histology and embryology, Physiology, Cell Biology, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pathology, Medical Genetics, Pathophysiology, Medical Microbiology, Human Parasitology, Medical Immunology, Pharmacology, Medical Statistics, Computer Application, Fundamentals of Clinical Laboratory Technology, Clinical Inspection Instrument, Clinical Microbiology Examination, Clinical Immunology Examination, Clinical Biochemistry Examination, Molecular Biology Examination, Clinical Hematology Examination, Clinical Blood Transfusion,Cytopathology, Clinical Laboratory Management, etc.

The faculty of laboratory medicine of our university has five departments, namely, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Human Parasitology, Medical Microbiology, Medical Immunology and Clinical Laboratory Medicine. It has the first-class medical laboratory and P2 laboratory in China, with an experimental laboratory area of more than 1600 square meters. There are more than 10 clinical practice bases, such as the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University (the People's Hospital of Hunan Province), the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University (Chinese People's Liberation Army 921 Hospital), Xiangdong Hospital Affiliated to Hunan Normal University, Changsha Hospital Affiliated to Hunan Normal University, Yueyang Hospital Affiliated to Hunan Normal University, Xiangya Hospital, the Second Xiangya Hospital and the Third Xiangya Hospital.

The faculty of laboratory medicine of our university has a team of highly professional, rigorous and experienced teachers. There are 35 full-time teachers, including one Xiaoxiang scholar specially invited professor, 5 professors, 8 associate professors and senior laboratory teachers, 19 teachers with PhD degree, one PhD supervisor and 15 master supervisors. In recent years, teachers of our faculty have won more than 20 teaching competitions and teaching achievement awards at the provincial and university levels, 4 teaching reform projects at the provincial level, 6 excellent courses approval projects at all levels, 8 planned textbooks as chief editor, and over 30 textbooks as deputy chief editor and co-editor. In the past five years, we have obtained 8 National Natural Science Foundations of China, more than 50 scientific research projects at other levels and of various kinds. We have published more than 260 scientific research papers, including 40 SCI papers and 8 national patents.

The major of Medical Laboratory Technology of our university adheres to the orientation of social needs, student-centered teaching, the supremacy of teaching quality and talent training quality, and strives to build a brand major with distinctive features, outstanding advantages, leading in the province and great influence in China.

Copyright 2015 湖南师范大学医学院     学院微信公众号:hnsfdxyxy      投稿:yxyyw2017@163.com

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